Online Discipleship Course

Christ the King is pleased to announce our online Christian Discipleship Course.  This is available utilizing video, audio, and downloadable PDF files through our Sermon Audio Page.  This will allow access to lessons on the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith anywhere at any time.  There are 137 total lessons in the five parts of the course outlined below.  If you would like additional resources mentioned in the class that we are not able to post online, please contact us.

You can access all the lessons for the course at: Christian Discipleship

Parts to the Course:

Christianity 101: The Main Message: This is the starting point of the Christian faith.  How can I be saved?  What is the main teaching of the Bible?  What is God’s Law and Gospel?

Christianity 102:  The Knowledge of God and the Bible:  How do we know that God exists?  What is so important about the Bible? Can we trust the Bible?;

Christianity 103:  Foundations of Faith:  How is Christianity unique among the religions of the world?  What are the chief parts of Christian doctrine (teaching)?  This class is what has traditionally been known as an “Adult Confirmation Class”.

Christianity 104:  Christian Life and Practice:  How do we live, worship, and serve as Christians?  What is worship and why do we worship the way that we do?  What is the meaning of many of the things practiced in the Church?

Christianity 105:  Christian/Lutheran History:  Why should we study Church History?  To know where we are, it is important to understand where we came from.  This course covers the Lutheran Reformation in more detail, but also presents the an overview of the history of the Early Church, the Medieval Church, the non-Lutheran Reformation, Modern Church History, and the history of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod/ Lutherans in America.